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Exploring Mobile Learning with High School Students in a Remote Area of Peru

Linda Chmiliar
Zu finden in: EdMedia 2018, 2018
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Peru experiences high school drop-out rates, adult illiteracy, and insufficient training for teachers, particularly in low income and rural areas. The poorest children are often in remote areas, attend the worst schools, are served by the least educated teachers, and have access to the fewest resources. As indicated by UNESCO (2012), mobile learning may be a possible strategy to address these issues. There are many benefits to mobile devices such as an iPad. The iPad is very portable, the touch screen is naturally intuitive requiring little training and practice to master, and there are many apps available for learning. This research study examined the use of iPads for learning with a classroom of 13 students ages 16 to 17 located in a remote area of Peru. The students were loaned iPads loaded with a number of apps, including four digital creation apps for use school and at home. An analysis of the data on the iPads showed that the students used the digital creation apps in school to create content such as movies and books. They also independently used the apps to express their perspectives on topics such as their hopes for the future, relationships, politics, and family.
Von Linda Chmiliar im Konferenz-Band EdMedia 2018 (2018) im Text Exploring Mobile Learning with High School Students in a Remote Area of Peru

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iPad , Kinderchildren , LehrerInteacher , mobile learningmobile learning , Schuleschool , TabletTablet

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